Source code for

__all__ = [

import csv
import logging
import shutil
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

import pikepdf
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil.relativedelta import *

from cvfe.configs import CANADA_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NAME
from import functional
from import *
from import CanadaXFA

# config logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DataDictPreprocessor: """A set of utilities over dictionary of data to make it easier for data preprocessing A class that contains methods for dealing with dictionaries regarding transformation of data such as filling missing values, dropping keys, or aggregating multiple keys into a single more meaningful one. This class needs to be extended for file specific preprocessing where tags are unique and need to be done entirely manually. In this case, :func:`file_specific_basic_transform` needs to be implemented. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_dict: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """ Args: data_dict (Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional): Main dictionary of data to be preprocessed. Defaults to None. """ self.data_dict = data_dict
[docs] def key_dropper( self, string: str, exclude: Optional[str] = None, regex: bool = False, inplace: bool = True, ) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]: """See :func:`` for more information""" return functional.key_dropper( data_dict=self.data_dict, string=string, exclude=exclude, regex=regex, inplace=inplace, )
[docs] def file_specific_basic_transform( self, doc_type: DocTypes, path: str ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Takes a specific file then does data type fixing, missing value filling, discretization, etc. Note: Since each files has its own unique tags and requirements, it is expected that all these transformation being hardcoded for each file, hence this method exists to just improve readability without any generalization to other problems or even files. Args: doc_type (DocTypes): The input document type (see :class:`DocTypes <>`) path (str): Path to the input document """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def change_dtype( self, key_name: str, dtype: Callable, if_nan: str | Callable = "skip", **kwargs, ): """See :func:`` for more details""" return functional.change_dtype( data_dict=self.data_dict, key_name=key_name, dtype=dtype, if_nan=if_nan, **kwargs, )
[docs] def config_csv_to_dict(self, path: str) -> dict: """ Take a config CSV and return a dictionary of key and values Args: path (str): string path to config file """ with open(path, newline="") as f: config_dict = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=",") return config_dict
[docs] class CanadaDataDictPreprocessor(DataDictPreprocessor):
[docs] def __init__(self, data_dict: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: super().__init__(data_dict) self.base_date = ( None # the time forms were filled, considered "today" for forms ) # get country code to name dict self.config_path = CANADA_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NAME self.CANADA_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NAME = self.config_csv_to_dict(self.config_path)
[docs] def convert_country_code_to_name(self, string: str) -> str: """ Converts the (custom and non-standard) code of a country to its name given the XFA docs LOV section. Args: string (str): input code string """ country = [c for c in self.CANADA_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NAME.keys() if string in c] if country: return self.CANADA_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_NAME[country] else: logger.debug( ( f'"{string}" country code could not be found' f'in the config file="{self.config_path}".' ) ) return CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_CODE_5257E
[docs] def file_specific_basic_transform( self, doc_type: DocTypes, path: str ) -> dict[str, Any]: canada_xfa = CanadaXFA() # Canada PDF to XML if doc_type == DocTypes.CANADA_5257E: # XFA to XML xml = canada_xfa.extract_raw_content(path) xml = canada_xfa.clean_xml_for_csv(xml=xml, type=DocTypes.CANADA_5257E) # XML to flattened dict data_dict = canada_xfa.xml_to_flattened_dict(xml=xml) data_dict = canada_xfa.flatten_dict(data_dict) # clean flattened dict data_dict = functional.dict_summarizer( data_dict, cutoff_term=CanadaCutoffTerms.CA5257E, KEY_ABBREVIATION_DICT=CANADA_5257E_KEY_ABBREVIATION, VALUE_ABBREVIATION_DICT=CANADA_5257E_VALUE_ABBREVIATION, ) self.data_dict = data_dict # drop pepeg keys functional.drop(dictionary=data_dict, keys=CANADA_5257E_DROP_COLUMNS) # Adult binary state: adult=True or child=False feature = "P1.AdultFlag" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "adult" else False # service language: 1=En, 2=Fr -> need to be changed to categorical feature = "P1.PD.ServiceIn.ServiceIn" data_dict = self.change_dtype(key_name=feature, dtype=int, if_nan="skip") # AliasNameIndicator: 1=True, 0=False feature = "P1.PD.AliasName.AliasNameIndicator.AliasNameIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # VisaType: String -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.VisaType.VisaType", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.VISA_TYPE_5257E, ) # Birth City: String -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PlaceBirthCity", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.PLACE_BIRTH_CITY_5257E, ) # Birth country: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PlaceBirthCountry", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # citizen of: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.Citizenship.Citizenship", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.CITIZENSHIP_5257E, ) # current country of residency: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CurrCOR.Row2.Country", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # current country of residency status: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CurrCOR.Row2.Status", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.RESIDENCY_STATUS_5257E), ) # current country of residency other description: bool -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CurrCOR.Row2.Other", dtype=bool, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OTHER_DESCRIPTION_INDICATOR_5257E, ) # validation date of information, i.e. current date: datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="skip", ) # keep it so we can access for other file if that was None feature = "P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate" if data_dict[feature] is not None: self.base_date = data_dict[feature] # date of birth in year: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.DOBYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="skip" ) # current country of residency period: None -> Datetime (=age period) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CurrCOR.Row2.FromDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P1.PD.DOBYear"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CurrCOR.Row2.ToDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # has previous country of residency: bool -> categorical feature = "P1.PD.PCRIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # clean previous country of residency features country_tag_list = [ c for c in list(data_dict.keys()) if "P1.PD.PrevCOR." in c ] PREV_COUNTRY_MAX_FEATURES = 4 for i in range(len(country_tag_list) // PREV_COUNTRY_MAX_FEATURES): # in XLA extracted file, this section start from `Row2` (ie. i+2) i += 2 # previous country of residency 02: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PrevCOR.Row" + str(i) + ".Country", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.PREVIOUS_COUNTRY_5257E, ) # previous country of residency status 02: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PrevCOR.Row" + str(i) + ".Status", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.RESIDENCY_STATUS_5257E), ) # previous country of residency 02 period (P1.PD.PrevCOR.Row2): string -> datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PrevCOR.Row" + str(i) + ".FromDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.PrevCOR.Row" + str(i) + ".ToDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # apply from country of residency (cwa=country where apply): Y=True, N=False feature = "P1.PD.SameAsCORIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # country where applying: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CWA.Row2.Country", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_WHERE_APPLYING_5257E, ) # country where applying status: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CWA.Row2.Status", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.RESIDENCY_STATUS_5257E), ) # country where applying other: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CWA.Row2.Other", dtype=bool, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OTHER_DESCRIPTION_INDICATOR_5257E, ) # country where applying period: datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CWA.Row2.FromDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.PD.CWA.Row2.ToDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # marriage period: datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P1.MS.SecA.DateOfMarr", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # previous marriage: Y=True, N=False feature = "P2.MS.SecA.PrevMarrIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # previous marriage type of relationship data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.TypeOfRelationship", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.MARRIAGE_TYPE_5257E, ) # previous spouse age period: string -> datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.PrevSpouseDOB.DOBYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # previous marriage period: string -> datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.FromDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.ToDate.ToDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # passport country of issue: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.Psprt.CountryofIssue.CountryofIssue", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.PASSPORT_COUNTRY_5257E, ) # expiry remaining period: datetime -> int days # if None, fill with 1 year ago, ie. period=1year feature = "P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate" temp_date = parser.parse(data_dict[feature]) + relativedelta(years=-1) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.Psprt.ExpiryDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=temp_date, ) # native lang: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.Langs.languages.nativeLang.nativeLang", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.NATIVE_LANG_5257E, ) # communication lang: Eng, Fr, both, none -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.MS.SecA.Langs.languages.ableToCommunicate.ableToCommunicate", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.LANGUAGES_ABLE_TO_COMMUNICATE_5257E, ) # language official test: bool -> binary feature = "P2.MS.SecA.Langs.LangTest" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # have national ID: bool -> binary feature = "P2.natID.q1.natIDIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # national ID country of issue: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P2.natID.natIDdocs.CountryofIssue.CountryofIssue", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.ID_COUNTRY_5257E, ) # United States doc: bool -> binary feature = "P2.USCard.q1.usCardIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # US Canada phone number: bool -> binary feature = "P2.CI.cntct.PhnNums.Phn.CanadaUS" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # US Canada alt phone number: bool -> binary feature = "P2.CI.cntct.PhnNums.AltPhn.CanadaUS" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # purpose of visit: string, 8 states -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.PrpsRow1.PrpsOfVisit.PrpsOfVisit", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.PURPOSE_OF_VISIT_5257E), ) # 7 is other in the form # purpose of visit description: string -> binary data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.PrpsRow1.Other.Other", dtype=bool, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OTHER_DESCRIPTION_INDICATOR_5257E, ) # how long going to stay: None -> datetime (0 days) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.PrpsRow1.HLS.FromDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.PrpsRow1.HLS.ToDate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # fund to integer data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.PrpsRow1.Funds.Funds", dtype=int, if_nan="skip" ) # relation to applicant of purpose of visit 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.DOV.cntcts_Row1.RelationshipToMe.RelationshipToMe", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.CONTACT_TYPE_5257E, ) # relation to applicant of purpose of visit 02: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.cntcts_Row2.Relationship.RelationshipToMe", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.CONTACT_TYPE_5257E, ) # higher education: bool -> binary feature = "P3.Edu.EduIndicator" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # higher education period: string -> datetime -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Edu.Edu_Row1.FromYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Edu.Edu_Row1.ToYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # higher education country: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Edu.Edu_Row1.Country.Country", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # field of study: string -> categorical feature = "P3.Edu.Edu_Row1.FieldOfStudy" data_dict[feature] = str(data_dict[feature]) # clean occupation features feature = "P3.Occ.OccRow" occupation_tag_list = [c for c in list(data_dict.keys()) if feature in c] PREV_OCCUPATION_MAX_FEATURES = 9 for i in range(len(occupation_tag_list) // PREV_OCCUPATION_MAX_FEATURES): i += 1 # in the form, it starts from Row1 (ie. i+1) # occupation period 01: none -> string year -> int days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Occ.OccRow" + str(i) + ".FromYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Occ.OccRow" + str(i) + ".ToYear", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["P3.Sign.C1CertificateIssueDate"], ) # occupation type 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Occ.OccRow" + str(i) + ".Occ.Occ", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # occupation country: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.Occ.OccRow" + str(i) + ".Country.Country", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # medical details: string -> binary data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.BGI.Details.MedicalDetails", dtype=bool, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.INDICATOR_FIELD_5257E, ) # other than medical: string -> binary data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="P3.BGI.otherThanMedic", dtype=bool, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.INDICATOR_FIELD_5257E, ) # without authentication stay, work, etc: bool -> binary feature = "P3.noAuthStay" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # deported or refused entry: bool -> binary feature = "P3.refuseDeport" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # previously applied: bool -> binary feature = "P3.BGI2.PrevApply" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # criminal record: bool -> binary feature = "P3.PWrapper.criminalRec" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # military record: bool -> binary feature = "P3.PWrapper.Military.Choice" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # political, violent movement record: bool -> binary feature = "P3.PWrapper.politicViol" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False # witness of ill treatment: bool -> binary feature = "P3.PWrapper.witnessIllTreat" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "Y" else False return data_dict if doc_type == DocTypes.CANADA_5645E: # XFA to XML xml = canada_xfa.extract_raw_content(path) xml = canada_xfa.clean_xml_for_csv(xml=xml, type=DocTypes.CANADA_5645E) # XML to flattened dict data_dict = canada_xfa.xml_to_flattened_dict(xml=xml) data_dict = canada_xfa.flatten_dict(data_dict) # clean flattened dict data_dict = functional.dict_summarizer( data_dict, cutoff_term=CanadaCutoffTerms.CA5645E, KEY_ABBREVIATION_DICT=CANADA_5645E_KEY_ABBREVIATION, VALUE_ABBREVIATION_DICT=None, ) self.data_dict = data_dict # drop pepeg keys functional.drop(dictionary=data_dict, keys=CANADA_5645E_DROP_COLUMNS) # transform multiple pleb keys into a single chad one and fixing key data types # type of application: (already one hot) string -> int keys = [key for key in list(data_dict.keys()) if "p1.Subform1" in key] for k in keys: data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name=k, dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.VISA_APPLICATION_TYPE_5645E), ) # drop all Accompany=No and only rely on Accompany=Yes using binary state self.key_dropper(string="No", inplace=True) # applicant marriage status: string to integer data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.App.ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # validation date of information, i.e. current date: datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.SecCdate", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=self.base_date, ) # spouse date of birth: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Sps.SpsDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["p1.SecC.SecCdate"], ) # spouse country of birth: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Sps.SpsCOB", dtype=str, if_nan="skip" ) # spouse occupation type (issue #2): string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Sps.SpsOcc", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # spouse accompanying: coming=True or not_coming=False feature = "p1.SecA.Sps.SpsAccomp" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # mother date of birth: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Mo.MoDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["p1.SecC.SecCdate"], ) # mother occupation type (issue #2): string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Mo.MoOcc", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # mother marriage status: int -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Mo.ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # mother accompanying: coming=True or not_coming=False feature = "p1.SecA.Mo.MoAccomp" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # father date of birth: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Fa.FaDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["p1.SecC.SecCdate"], ) # mother occupation type (issue #2): string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Fa.FaOcc", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # father marriage status: int -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecA.Fa.ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # father accompanying: coming=True or not_coming=False feature = "p1.SecA.Fa.FaAccomp" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # children's status children_tag_list = [ c for c in list(data_dict.keys()) if "p1.SecB.Chd" in c ] CHILDREN_MAX_FEATURES = 7 for i in range(len(children_tag_list) // CHILDREN_MAX_FEATURES): # child's marriage status 01: string to integer data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # child's relationship 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdRel", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.CHILD_RELATION_5645E, ) # child's date of birth 01: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="skip", ) # child's country of birth 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdCOB", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # child's occupation type 01 (issue #2): string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdOcc", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # child's marriage status: int -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # child's accompanying 01: coming=True or not_coming=False feature = "p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdAccomp" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # check if the child does not exist and fill it properly (ghost case monkaS) if ( ( data_dict["p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdMStatus"] == CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E ) and (data_dict["p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdRel"] == "OTHER") and (data_dict["p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdDOB"] is None) and (data_dict["p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdAccomp"] == False) ): # ghost child's date of birth: None -> datetime (current date) -> 0 days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecB.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["p1.SecC.SecCdate"], ) # siblings' status siblings_tag_list = [ c for c in list(data_dict.keys()) if "p1.SecC.Chd" in c ] SIBLINGS_MAX_FEATURES = 8 for i in range(len(siblings_tag_list) // SIBLINGS_MAX_FEATURES): # sibling's marriage status 01: string to integer data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdMStatus", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E), ) # sibling's relationship 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdRel", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.CHILD_RELATION_5645E, ) # sibling's date of birth 01: string -> datetime data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="skip", ) # sibling's country of birth 01: string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdCOB", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.COUNTRY_5257E, ) # sibling's occupation type 01 (issue #2): string -> categorical data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdOcc", dtype=str, if_nan="fill", value=CanadaFillna.OCCUPATION_5257E, ) # sibling's accompanying: coming=True or not_coming=False feature = "p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdAccomp" data_dict[feature] = True if data_dict[feature] == "1" else False # check if the sibling does not exist and fill it properly (ghost case monkaS) if ( ( data_dict["p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdMStatus"] == CanadaFillna.CHILD_MARRIAGE_STATUS_5645E ) and (data_dict["p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdRel"] == "OTHER") and (data_dict["p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdOcc"] is None) and (data_dict["p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdAccomp"] == False) ): # ghost sibling's date of birth: None -> datetime (current date) -> 0 days data_dict = self.change_dtype( key_name="p1.SecC.Chd.[" + str(i) + "].ChdDOB", dtype=parser.parse, if_nan="fill", value=data_dict["p1.SecC.SecCdate"], ) return data_dict if doc_type == DocTypes.CANADA_LABEL: with open(path, newline="") as f: data_dict = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=" ", fieldnames=["VisaResult"]) functional.change_dtype( data_dict=data_dict, key_name="VisaResult", dtype=int, if_nan="fill", value=int(CanadaFillna.VISA_RESULT), ) return data_dict
[docs] class FileTransform: """A base class for applying transforms as a composable object over files. Any behavior over the files itself (not the content of files) must extend this class. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def __call__(self, src: str, dst: str, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: """ Args: src (str): source file to be processed dst (str): the pass that the processed file to be saved """ pass
[docs] class CopyFile(FileTransform): """Only copies a file, a wrapper around `shutil`'s copying methods Default is set to 'cf', i.e. `shutil.copyfile`. For more info see shutil_ documentation. Reference: 1. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.COPY_MODES = ["c", "cf", "c2"] self.mode = mode if mode is not None else "cf" self.__check_mode(mode=mode)
[docs] def __call__(self, src: str, dst: str, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: if self.mode == "c": shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) elif self.mode == "cf": shutil.copyfile(src=src, dst=dst) elif self.mode == "c2": shutil.copy2(src=src, dst=dst)
def __check_mode(self, mode: str): """Checks copying mode to be available in shutil_ Args: mode: copying mode in `shutil`, one of `'c'`, `'cf'`, `'c2'` .. _shutil: """ if not mode in self.COPY_MODES: raise ValueError( (f"Mode {mode} does not exist,", f'choose one of "{self.COPY_MODES}".') )
[docs] class MakeContentCopyProtectedMachineReadable(FileTransform): """Reads a 'content-copy' protected PDF and removes this restriction Removing the protection is done by saving a "printed" version of via pikepdf_ References: 1. 2. .. _pikepdf: """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, src: str, dst: str, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: """ Args: src (str): source file to be processed dst (str): destination to save the processed file Returns: Any: None """ pdf =, allow_overwriting_input=True)
[docs] class FileTransformCompose: """Composes several transforms operating on files together The transforms should be tied to files with keyword and this will be only applying functions on files that match the keyword using a dictionary Transformation dictionary over files in the following structure:: { FileTransform: 'filter_str', ..., } Note: Transforms will be applied in order of the keys in the dictionary """
[docs] def __init__(self, transforms: dict[FileTransform, str]) -> None: """ Args: transforms (dict[FileTransform, str]): a dictionary of transforms, where the key is the instance of FileTransform and the value is the keyword that the transform will be applied to Raises: ValueError: if the keyword is not a string """ if transforms is not None: for k in transforms.keys(): if not issubclass(k.__class__, FileTransform): raise TypeError(f"Keys must be {FileTransform} instance.") self.transforms = transforms
[docs] def __call__(self, src: str, dst: str, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: """Applies transforms in order Args: src (str): source file path to be processed dst (str): destination to save the processed file """ for transform, file_filter in self.transforms.items(): if file_filter in src: transform(src, dst)