Source code for niklib.utils.loggers

__all__ = [

# core
import logging
# helpers
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from enum import IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
import sys

class LoggingLevels(IntEnum):
    """Logging levels from ``logging``

    Just a clone of ``logging`` **levels** for our internal use, do not expose to user. 

    CRITICAL = 50
    ERROR = 40
    WARNING = 30
    INFO = 20
    DEBUG = 10
    NOTSET = 0

[docs] class Logger(logging.Logger):
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, level: Union[LoggingLevels, int], mlflow_artifacts_base_path: Union[Path, str], libs: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(name, level) self.__mlflow_artifacts_base_path = mlflow_artifacts_base_path self.__create_artifacts_dir(self.mlflow_artifacts_base_path) self.logger_formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(name)s: %(asctime)s] {%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s", "%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) # config system standard in/out to redirect to logger stdout_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) stderr_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) stdout_stream_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) stderr_stream_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) self.addHandler(stdout_stream_handler) self.addHandler(stderr_stream_handler) # a counter as a naming method for new artifacts self._artifact_name: int = 0 # set libs to log to our logging config self.libs_logger: List[logging.Logger] = [] if libs is not None: for __l in libs: __libs_logger = logging.getLogger(__l) __libs_logger.setLevel(level) __libs_logger.addHandler(stdout_stream_handler) __libs_logger.addHandler(stderr_stream_handler) self.libs_logger.append(__libs_logger) # hold `*.log` handlers so we can delete it on each new artifact creation self.__prev_handler: Optional[logging.Handler] = None
@property def mlflow_artifacts_base_path(self) -> Path: self.__mlflow_artifacts_base_path = self.__str_to_path( self.__mlflow_artifacts_base_path ) return self.__mlflow_artifacts_base_path def __create_artifacts_dir(self, path: Path) -> None: """Creates an empty dir at ``path`` Args: path (:class:`pathlib.Path`): Path to create dir as base artifacts for mlflow """ path.mkdir() def __str_to_path(self, string: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: """Converts a string of path to :class:`pathlib.Path` Args: string (Union[str, `pathlib.Path`]): path string or object to convert Returns: :class:`pathlib.Path`: ``Path`` instance of given path string """ if isinstance(string, str): return Path(string) return string
[docs] def _setup_mlflow_artifacts_dirs( self, base_path: Union[str, Path], subdirs: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: """Builds the directories for saving images, logs, and configs as mlflow artifacts Note: If you are using this class for just flagging the data, you can simply send numerical values (``1/*``, ``2/*``) Args: base_path (Union[str, :class:`pathlib.Path`]): Base path for artifacts. subdirs (List[str], optional): A list of names of directories that will be subdirectories of ``base_path`` for separating different artifacts. These subdirs are available as properties that start with ``MLFLOW_ARTIFACTS_SUBDIRS[x]_PATH``. Following type of artifacts are predefined and each will be considered as a subdirectory of ``base_path`` if ``None`` is provided: - images: ``images`` - logging prints: ``logs`` - configs of classes, setting, etc as json files: ``configs`` - model weights or objects: ``models`` - ``mlflow`` flavor-specific tracked model: ``MLmodel`` Please use names that only contain characters, numbers and dash/underline. """ # construct subdir names if subdirs is None: subdirs = ['logs', 'configs', 'images', 'models', 'MLmodel'] # construct base dir path base_path = self.__str_to_path(string=base_path) base_path = self.mlflow_artifacts_base_path / base_path if not base_path.exists(): base_path.mkdir(parents=True) # construct subdirs' path for subdir in subdirs: subdir_path: Path = base_path / subdir if not subdir_path.exists(): subdir_path.mkdir(parents=True) # dynamically create properties # with names `MLFLOW_ARTIFACTS_[_subdir]_PATH` (all upper) setattr( self, f'MLFLOW_ARTIFACTS_{str.upper(subdir)}_PATH', subdir_path )
[docs] def _remove_previous_handlers(self) -> None: """This is used to remove file related handlers on each new run of :meth:`create_artifact_instance` Note: Do not forget to remove file handler from all libs, here, :attr:`libs_logger`. """ if self.__prev_handler is not None: self.removeHandler(self.__prev_handler) for lib_log in self.libs_logger: lib_log.removeHandler(self.__prev_handler)
[docs] def create_artifact_instance( self, artifact_name: str = None ): """Creates an entire artifact (mlflow) directory each time it is called This is used to create artifacts sub directories that each include sub directories such as ``images``, ``configs``, and so on (see :meth:`_setup_mlflow_artifacts_dirs` for more info) that each will include the artifacts of that type. Args: artifact_name (str): a directory name. Please refrain from providing full path and only give a directory name. It is expected that you pass the path as :attr:`mlflow_artifacts_base_path` which makes ``artifact_name`` as its sub directory. If None, we use an internal counter and use natural numbers increasing each time this method is called. """ # if prev handler exits, remove it self._remove_previous_handlers() # check if artifact_name is provided, if not, count calls to this method if artifact_name is None: artifact_name = f'{self._artifact_name}' self._artifact_name += 1 # create new artifacts directory self._setup_mlflow_artifacts_dirs(base_path=artifact_name) # setup main logger logger_handler = logging.FileHandler( filename=self.MLFLOW_ARTIFACTS_LOGS_PATH / f'{artifact_name}.log', mode='w' ) logger_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter) self.addHandler(logger_handler) # redirect libs main logger to our main for lib_log in self.libs_logger: lib_log.addHandler(logger_handler) # keep last handler so we can remove it on next call self.__prev_handler = logger_handler