Awesome (Common) Research

Awesome list of any content that could be deemed useful for any sort of research.

Learning Research Skills

zheng95z/teach-yourself-research2develop the basic research skills, including academic writing, paper reading, presentation, note taking, etc.
Bill Freeman’s excellent notes on how to do research5-
Frédo Durand’s fun notes on writing.5+Funny way on how to write a good article
Frédo Durand’s personal page for students5Frédo Durand’s useful resources for all students
How to have your abstract rejected Mary-Claire van Leunenand Richard Lipton5-

Resources For Planning the Timeline For PhD

gradbunker.com5+PLEASE FOLLOW, awesome
Github/womanreading75 (not read thoroughly)detailed and cool

Good To Know

”Do grades matter”? Kayvon Fatahalian5+An explanation on what actually grade means

General Blogs

Dr Veronika CH’s blog4Blogs from a normal person about simple but important things as an academic
HelloPhD5Everything about PhD, Podcast (discontinued but full of valuable information), and blog posts about everything that a PhD student might care.